Posts tagged programming
Bytebeat: Hacking Your Way To Music One Byte At The Time

In its essence, a bytebeat program is a small C program consisting of an infinite loop, outputting to the terminal an endless string of ASCII characters. These chars can then be piped to another program and interpreted as raw audio output.

By influencing a variable t through bitwise operations at each loop iteration, we assure ourselves that the output of the formula will always be a different character, so different combinations of sounds will be heard.

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Can Computer Programming Heal You?

[…] Learning computer programming forced my brain to think rationally, which I was completely unable to do. It provided me with the safety of right and wrong answers: your code either works or it doesn’t. This reality can be incredibly frustrating at times but for an artist like me, where there’s rarely this notion of right and wrong (in Art, rules are made to be broken and everything is subjective), the fact of having my computer give me the exact result of the code I’d written was, in a weird way, a huge relief.

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Merge Sort: How To Understand an Algorithm by Creating Music

Learning an algorithm can sometimes feel like learning a magic recipe. We understand the concept behind it, but understanding exactly how each step is done can be very confusing.

Live coding allows me to dive deep into the study of an algorithm by having fun with it and challenging my understanding and creativity. […] So today, we’ll dive deep into understanding how merge sort operates by building a Ruby program that uses this algorithm to create music.

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Can a Creative Approach to Learning Programming Heal our Relationship With Technology?

Should creativity be an essential part of our learning process? Or does creativity have no other purpose than fun and entertainment? What are the possible benefits of taking a more creative approach to learning programming?

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